Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I am a selfie slut taking self photos eager for sex dating

I am a woman with low standards and almost no self esteem. I am a slut taking slutty  selfie photos.  I will have sex with just about anyone. I am  5’7 inches tall, 105 pounds, with 36 C tits and a nice firm ass.

Yes, I am a slut. What’s wrong with that! 

I’m who people would call  a #slutty girl because  I have been with the most number of men. I don’t mind making out with a random stranger for fun and I’ll stay the night at his place if I’m looking for a change of atmosphere. Yes, I’m a slut. What’s wrong with that! I take nude selfie photos and send them to guys and if they respond I'm ready for sex.

I used to attach a negative connotation to the word “slut” when I first came to college. I looked down on sexy girls who were dressing provocatively every night and sleeping with guys they barely knew. I thought they were shallow and empty and searching for fulfillment in boys who suddenly kinda thought they were attractive. I was never friends with them. I criticized them. And I felt really sorry for them from afar.

I'll get on my knees right there in the bar and suck a guys dick

But as the semesters flew by, I learned a lot about myself. I realized that I like making out. And that I like having sex. I happen to like dresses with deep necklines and short hemlines and I happen to like how I look in said dresses. I think you’ll agree that there’s nothing wrong with any of these things, and there’s nothing wrong with putting all of these things together and liking that combination.

Maybe the fact that I take it a step further is what makes people uncomfortable. If I’m out at a bar and I suddenly have the desire to make out with someone, I’ll do it. I'll get on my knees right their in the bar and suck a guys dick and I'll suck his friends dicks and swallow every drop of their cum. I have no shame. So what, hell, I'll even eat a woman's pussy all with everyone watching.   

I am a slut with no self-esteem

 I have no self-esteem and won’t have any shame when walking back to my room the next morning. Sure, these activities are amazing when in a relationship with someone I’m really in love with, but if I’m not in love with anyone at the moment, does that mean I have to forgo these activities?

 Do I have to wait months before I get to know some guy and “fall” for him in order to sleep with him? What if he’s absolutely hot? Then Ill have sex with him because I'm a slut and proud of it.     

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